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Playhouses and Climbers For Little Ones

             We can't say for sure what makes a child "ready" to begin playing with make-believe, but it's clear that they're developing their own fantasy worlds and storytelling skills. The most mature form of pretend play involves creating different roles in these imaginative realms while using props like dress up clothes or imaginary creatures as characters. Make-believe provides a safe environment for children to develop their social skills and explore behavioral boundaries. It also helps them gain more self regulation by using symbolic thinking that's vital in the development process.

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In short, make believe allows kids of all ages from toddlers up through preschoolers engage deeply with others while practicing important life lessons such as empathy or understanding consequences of one’s actions!


Children's playhouses are a blank canvas on which your child can start developing their make believe scenarios. They provide the perfect opportunity for role-play, whatever scene you want them to create! A house itself provides some structure that will help build up this idea into something more real and solidified in their minds as they go through life together.

Browse here for more Playhouses and Climbers.


Researchers have found a clear connection between the amount of time spent in imaginative play and how well children are at different tasks. In one study, it was discovered that kids who spend more time acting out their dreams or creating new worlds with toys actually develop faster than those not allowed to indulge in these activities as much; they learn better too!


The social training, they receive during make believe play also gives them better social competency and logical reasoning skills. This is because emotionally engaged in imaginary worlds, children learn how to appropriately express themselves with words while learning about others' feelings from their own perspective.

Shop our Playhouses and Climbers.


A play house is a great place to take children as it gives them their own space and time. The real benefits come from how you'll see improved intellect, social skills, creativity of mind in return!

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